Well, instead of sneezing up gosh's and omg's and dude's and all that bligadesh, I'll blog. Because that's what the youth today does; listen to mostly crapful music while typing up stuff on the internet which periodically includes improper grammar and/or spelling while pretending that the rest of us care while annoyingly chewing gum, wearing clothes that everyone else wears and yet complaining about the fact that their shirt is blue. And yes, I am a hypocrit. And aware that that was so stereotypical that I think a certain Mr. Pudhif's briefcase exploded into a million orange peels.
For those of you not entirely scarred (as in, familiar) with the many internet doings, April has quite a "Do such and such every day in this month!" theme. For instance, my mom first notified me of the Write a Poem Everyday in April (not sure if that's the exact name, but I think it's close- I mean, how many different variations could there be?) thing. Which I believe she is participating in. I, however, might put a poem in here and there, but I think I've made my readers suffer enough.
YouTube ----> Vlog Every Day in April (VEDA). They made "everyday" two words, as you can see. I know one guy who's doing it. However, the original was to blog everyday in this fine month of lions and lambs, so I think that is more appropriate. And I believe, but correct me if I am wrong, that Maureen Johnson started this whole obsessive everyday thing, so all credit goes to that fine lady. YOU SHOULD check out her blog. She's an actual author (though I confess I actually haven't read any of her books), so that means her blog is actually worth... worth. As opposed to *cough* someone's *cough*. Note: I'm referring to mine, if you didn't catch that. Yeah, I'm a pretty dedicated supporter of my internet life.
So anyway! I suppose I'll unformally and partially-undetectedly sort of participate in that. And it shouldn't be so hard, because about half of this month is break.
And guess what TODAY is, you guys. That's right- another important notch in my continuing (and seemingly endless) year in France.
Nine twelfths. Five sixths. Not sure if there should be one of those - things. I decided to do it (write down the numbers) English to challenge myself sort of. Well, I mean think about it- when do you, fellow English speaker, ever actually write down the numbers out? We learn it like once and then hardly deal with it ever again, save for maybe the pursusing of an English-Foreign (second?) Language teacher guy person, I guess. Ok enough.
But, really- 9/12 of the way done. I commonly associate 12 with 9, at least in math class- like with changing the common denominators in fractions, and common... factor... ness. You know? So 9 is a bigee. THREE FOURTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait. Yes! It's true. I mean, it's like actually April. I consider(ed) April to be one of those... sort of.. magical and rare and precious and amazing and fantastical months when I started this year. 'Cause I mean, really, it's like.... and I know I've repeated this several times, but really- the home stretch. Not the real one, but we're allowed false hope that is indeed not even false, but merely perhaps an overreaction, or stretching of terms, or enlarged optimism, but which of course turns out to become just plain hope and then sore mouths from smiling and then ending this sentence.
I feel like I've been neglecting this blog for a while. So it feels really nice to start writing in it again. I mean, there's never going to be another March 2009 ever again! It's gone! Done! I never have to stumble upon it again, and try to prevent myself from doing one of those horrid depressed, over-written blog posts.
And yet, I feel almost as though trapped in this never-ending circle of thinking I had something to say, procrastinate, somehow feel worse, never write, or if I do, it just sounds like everything else I've been saying and it's terrible and I regret it but then I describe the whole cycle in a later post and just
Yeah. But I hope, that by the end of this year, that at least some of you will sort of get to grasp why I was/am like that. Like, understand me and not just wave me off as some crazed teenager and pretend not to be related to me.
My back itches. It was seriously warm today, and we're going skiing tomorrow. Which is... eh. I mean, skiing is awesome and all, but at a certain point even a winter enthusiast like me wants to fully acknowledge the smell of fresh, bright green grass. But anyway, we got to watch this rather interesting film in French class. And I mean French French class, not FLE. It was one of those films that you often see at film festivals (here I go stereotyping again), but like... those.. I mean, yes, most would call them "weird", but of course it's art. It's not "usual" and often has those imaginative themes. Gee, what a horrible, strange addition to culture- imaginative art. I tend to not understand why some people don't like this stuff. Or at least appreciate. How judgemental of me.
But anyway, it's called "L'Homme Aux Bras Ballants", which basically means the man with dangling arms. And, by the way, the title of this post is the name of the composer/player of the music in the video. I actually really dig this kind of stuff; it really makes you think about stuff, and since they're short, it kinda fills me with this woody, nostalgic and gnawing feeling that makes me wish I could stay in that world longer. Kind of like when you finish a book like Harry Potter or something. Watch it. You'll be culturally enhanced. I mean, I guess we have this stuff in America, but I dunno it seemed more French. Reminded me of Tim Burton's stuff. I think it was inspired by a poem.
It'd be interesting to see what you guys think of it, you know. I thought it was pretty creative meself.
Um. Yeah. I was going to say something. Burnt out. I've probably already written too darn much. Tomorrow?
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