We just saw Mrs. Doubtfire. It was actually rather hilarious. Robin Williams is insancely great. There were those moments when it was almost painful because of the extreme laughter. Ah. If you haven't seen it, you should. And not just the new version or whatever (I think I remember seeing a commercial for one with Eddie Murphy or something..) 'cause classics always rule.
I had a long bike ride today. It was 16.6 miles and took like 3 hours. It made me annoyed but I got some cool pictures I guess. Oh yeah! The pictures from yesterday.. I'll have those up.
Not to brag or anything, but I just really like that top picture up there. I wanted to get a picture of the birds like landing and stuff, but they were fast so I just pointed it and shot. That's what came out, and I'm really liking it.
And yeah, there were lots of flowers and stuff. Macro setting is definitely awesome. Ugh, I really wanted to write some stuff today. Like actually write stuff. And I probably won't get a chance to tomorrow or anything.
Dang. Sometimes life sucks. But you know, just whatever. I'm a band geek. Not sure how that'll help handle the situation, but yeah. We sent an email to the band dude and hopefully he'll let me get in... I mean, really it's just a matter of whether or not I audition. It'd be sort of hard to from over here... worst thing is I just get in the jazz band at the other school. Eh. But the other school has an amazing band program. I mean, and I'm not just saying that out of.. patrioticity (I dunno what the real word is); it's won several awards in the nation. So yeah. That's what's been going on mostly. Band stuff. I guess.
Um. Brain sort of dying here. I'm frustrated. I just like.... wanna be with.. people (as in my friends). No no, not like that. But like.. you know? Just sort of be with people you know and just sort of talk. Like it doesn't even have to be about anything. Just.. yeah. I dunno.
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