Saturday, April 11, 2009

The bridge is red! Climb all mountains!

Darn. What annoyance.

Actually, today was rather exciting. I slept in till around eleven, but it was the kind of "awake" where your eyelids are still sumo wrestlers and you feel sort of like you're under one of those massive-ish water fountains that spray large amounts of water right on you. In other words, you're heavy, you're still tired. But then the guests came so I eventually forced myself up and out after starting at the clock, groaning about how much the day was already wasted and closing my eyes periodically.

Real people are amazing. Real people that you know are awesome. Real people that are actually right there that are cool and that are real and awesome, are amazingly awesome. So, needless to say, I was excited. Real human beings!!! That speak English!!! That are from America!!! That go to American schools!!! That are somewhat my age!!! That are right here, and not made of pixels!!!

It was invigorating. It was inspiring, almost. And although I was even tired myself, I managed some conversation while we discussed about and flinged away irksome bees.

They were tired. On the way to Geneva in the car, the kids even almost asleep at one point. This was to be expected, but I tried to avoid looking at them. It was funny in a way, but also slightly unnerving in some respects. My dad would point out things on the way, like the U.N. ("What?They just said random stuff on the tour, like 'the bridge is red! Climb all mountains!"? - My dad after asking me about the U.N. tour), which I felt was a slightly wasted effort. Evelyn put in a few polite words, but mostly they were out. But we got there. Paul (the dad/husband) has a niiiiiice camera, and Evelyn (daughter) also has a good camera, and my mom brought hers, and I brought mine, leaving like 4 photographers.

We saw a Ferrari in fact. Walked around to the Jet d'Eau (Water Jet/fountain) and talked. It was nice to actually get out of the house and talk to real living people, but on the other hand I didn't know them that well and I was tired. But nah, it was great.

And yeah, tomorrow's Easter and stuff. I'm not even... I'm not even that religious. Whatever.

What! Wait. I don't.... I'll have the pictures up tomorrow hopefully. I'm annoyed about the inconvenience (too), but we'll survive.

Baseball season woot!!! I've been so out of American tv/sports it's sad. Maybe it wouldn't be so sad if I had been following European ones, but I haven't. So there. But just... just yeah. I'm not jet-lagged, but I think having new visitors are nice because it really makes you see how this whole thing could be new and interesting and nice and cool. I think it's just been so redundant that it's just... blegh. But this is good. They're not staying that long though. Darn.

Good.... night...

Edit: Kay, the pic's are up..

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