Wednesday, December 31, 2008


New Year's Resolutions:

Use the computer less.

Become a bike-dude (i.e. bike everywhere).

Exercise more in general.

Practice trumpet and guitar everyday.

Treat everyone how I would want to be treated (and yet, somehow, remain non-cheesy).

Don't take anything or anyone for granted.

Become more selfless.

Write and read everyday.

Try to complete my sentences; not stutter.

There are probably more, but yeah (breaking that last one here sort of).

Well. Here we are. Never really thought I'd get here, much less this fast. But you gotta learn to just accept time I guess. It seems as though it always seems weird to date the papers with the new year, and you don't really ever think you'll get used to it. But then before you know it, you're already used to that new number and the past one seems awfully odd. Same with age and grades I guess. But you've got the whole year to get used to it, too.

July 2008: I hate this place. I will never like France.

August 2008: Ugh. So bored!

September 2008: School is hell. It's pretty much all hell.

October 2008: Ooh! A break! School is still eh. But I've gotten used to it sort of. Major weirdness though.

November 2008: Hmm. Trip. School is whatever.

December 2008: Hey, I actually sort of like this! Key word here is "sort of". And, wouldja look at that- half. way. done almost!

January 2009: ???????

Yeah, its not technically half-way yet, (only 4 more days about) but whatever. It's been a lot. If I were to describe the 6 months in one word, I bet you guys could figure that one out. Considering how much stuff I tell you guys. And continue to. I guess.

They say the second half should go faster. They say the trip is worth it. They say its a great experience. They say I'll like it.

The only thing I don't agree with quite yet is the first one.

And of course, no post is complete without a generic ending that is said often (every year) and therefore means little, but I mean, hey, I'm trying to be considerate here.

{Happy New Year}

No, seriously- have a good one.

Monday, December 29, 2008

(Altitude Sickness) Symphony

Below, as you will probably figure out, is the typed- up version of what I wrote during the trip, which was to see the Matterhorn in a town called Zermatt.

It feels slightly weird to use this paper... different design and size. That mountain looks sort of like an oreo. Crumbling black with white spread over various areas. I am hungry. I sit next to my grandma, with the revealing window on my left. The train ride is smooth, powerfully lumbering on the tracks.

I also have this sleep-deprived feeling about me. It's not actually all that pleasant. I had stayed up till 2 am talking to Becca and Karina on the phone. I was actually half-asleep at one point. But it was great fun.

So, for those unfamiliar with what is up, my dad, grandma and I are taking a day-trip in the German part of Switzerland. We just had a 2-hour car ride, after I had had the leftover-ness of pumpkin pie for my 8 am breakfast. I slept a bit sort of, but mostly listened to Red Hat (my new nickname for Red Hot Chili Peppers).

Wow. The view is just... wow. To my right, a huge towering lump of grey, dead trees, dirty snow and dotted mountain shacks. Sometimes I can't see the top. To my left, giant bumps with the same features but also deep, deep drops off the side. Seemingly steady rock holding up tall evergreens that would be accused of commiting suicide if people.

The drumroll over, the audience gets a chance to review. Competing 7/8 tempo, forte, but normally played down to mezzo forte when looking ahead or when the German/French/English lady comes on. Ah, and now a few measures of rests as the train pauses in its trip of magnitude. Building up now, a crescendo; frozen water attempting to end (and yet begin again) clings majestically to the mountain; the flutes. But then a look to the left and one notices the living silver- a thawed waterfall crashing under gravity. But whats this? The thrill is temporarily stifled as the train curves around the mountain, which shields our immediate brains from the giant white, which once controlled our conscience of the sky- a wimpering decrescendo. French horns build up- rocks on the left, so grey and so capturing. Clarinets give us a hint or the epic to become. It curves... still going up, still climbing the impossible evidence of winter. Rest two three four... we temporarily stop. Tall brown decorated with green on the sides- the trees; you can hear the trombones. And past the trees, the sun crashing on the blue like a cymbol.

The white is much thrill, the windows like a trap door. You can just smell the inspiration. Its as if it presses down on your clothes. ... It rests, displaying wonderful appearance, and offering its forever sighs.

11:22 Tic-tac? A little German kid seems to be offering me one.

The train ride continued, later in which I listened to Jupiter, we passed a hubcap in the snow, saw the amazing yellow shining on the white snow, saw the glittering ice under the bridges and passed a huge flowing glacier to one side.

It's 12:21 and not very easy to write. We were lucky to get a seat. This is the second train, going up really really high- about 10,000 feet. We'll have lunch and stuff. I hope I don't get altitude sickness- I've been rather dehydated (and sleep-deprived, not to mention) lately. This train is full of guys (and girls) with holding ski poles, bulky, awkward ski boots and skis in their arms. I've heard German, English (mostly American accents) and maybe a little French. The town we're leaving was sort of cool- a great peek at the Matterhorn, and you could walk in the tiny streets which had little rectangles with wheels driving around a few feet away from you. It smelled like hamburgers. There were also some horses and lots of ski stuff.

This ride should be shorter, but it'd looked rather twisty on the map. Oh wow, the PA system thing is even in Italian and something like Japanese over here.

I'll tell you guys how it goes later. My dad just said we were going to double our altitude. What joy.

Well actually I guess I'll (try to) write. The rocks covered with snow, which is all you can see, are like burned potatoes topped with huge clumps of cottage cheese. Trees standing tall, ears starting to pop. Going over some gorge ("Hopefully there's a bridge beneath the train," - my dad). We could've brought a sled, but I guess didn't think to. My dad just glanced at this (ugh) and said, "you sure have a lot to say," He has a lot to say. If there's one thing I hate, it's people looking at me writing. Well, more, looking at the writing. Whatever. Hands getting a little sore; I have that one Red Hat song stuck in my head that starts off with ".. Arthur J. did..."; it's good. Darkness- passing through a tunnel. The glowing icicles look like wax; nature in a pause. Or a large clearish booger smeared here and there on the windshield of majesticness.

And now- the view opens up, and the sun crashes down on the range to the left. Tipping peaks, concealing Italy behind its white and brown disturbance. Of course its there- but that doesn't mean your breath will always be when you look at it.

We've passed the skiing areas- just free open space to let ski meet snow. Smooth white, like pillows on a rough bed. So open it's like a void- except there is. I just feel like runing out and.. flying? Maximum Ride again. But I've got a pen and paper, so that works.

3:27 Sitting on the train back... it'll leave in about 5 minutes. It was a very very awesome trip. Still technically not over. I didn't get altitude sickness luckily, and couldn't even really tell the difference. My ears did pop, to my partial displeasure. We got in, took several many photos, had lunch and took in the view again. We also looked at the extravegant and almost -neverending collection of watches. There were swatches too. Train just started. I took at least a hundred photos. The mountains are now pretty much all covered in clouds- people are still skiing though. Sun is out on the other side.

Lunch was good, if not salty and slightly bland. I got a sausage with onion sauce and french fries. It was good. Not many places to sit and at first we had to relocate. Lots of German-ness. We even looked at a German newspaper- my dad figured out part of a 2-line sub-heading of the sports section. I know practically no German. This one German guy sitting near us at lunch laughed at his newspaper. I just found that somewhat funny.

Ears popping again. It was actually getting quite cold- my hands were almost numb at times. I wasn't really out of breath much but my heart beat somewhat rapidly after a while. The view was terrific, full of cliffs, warped glaciers, mountains throughout an impressive 360 degree panorama and of course the many many skiers.

Yeah. It's pretty cool.

Watching the skiers its almost as if the people are just floating on the calm white- hard to see the skis. My father and grandma like to "make fun" of my "addiction" to my writing, as they are now. Sigh.

Oh yeah I also slipped on some ice. That was pretty cool. I saw the ice patch, and ran down the trail. My dad was there but it still sort of hurt. But I'm ok. We had a laugh about it. It's like, all of a sudden, you're neither standing up nor on the ground- and after it you can hardly remember either- you can feel your solid, dark boots hit the nearly clear yet rolling surface and then you're down and there's pain. Weird how your brain just takes certain pictures like that.

So this was pretty much the highest I had been I think. Yeah. Cool. Now for another train ride, car ride and maybe dinner until I get "home".


It was dark. I got to sit in the front seat on the way home. I was actually rather tired. We looked around the town a little bit after the first train ride, and I gottt a swatchhhhhh. Birthday. So that was awesome.

The car ride was actually rather epic. I had brought around 7 CD's, counting the 2 double albums. I have come to the conclusion that the best album to listen to on night car trips is probably A Rush of Blood to the Head (Coldplay). Great stuff.

I thought a lot. I came to a few conclusions, some of which I could (should) mention sometime I guess. But of course, most of my thinking goes under this slightly annoying process, in which something might seem so awesome or amazing or new or interesting or logical, but then after thinking about it, it doesn't seem like such great stuff. Not necessarily stupid, but just less I guess. Sigh. But anyway.

Birthday is soon. End of 2008?!?!??! Dude. Holy crap. Half way done?!?!?!?! Dude. Holy crap. Life is good?!?!??!?! Dude. Holy crap. Haven't started doing algebra?!?!?! Dude. Holy crap. Everything will go okay?!??!! Dude. Holy crap.

This is a cool blog.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Trains or same

Gah. How is break half-way over already?? Insane. But I mean, the half-way point is ver-ver-very soon and I just want this thing to be over with really. Sort of. But still.

Tomorrow, I'm probably going to go on this one big trip thing. It involves waking up around 8-ish, eating a breakfast which probably involves using a bowl and spoon, driving in a car for two hours, and then sitting on a Swiss train, looking out the window as breath-taking views of the Alps pass by outside the window. All with some background music around 80% of the time, of course. Yeah. I think my dad and grandma are coming, but probably not Zach of my mom. I sort of want to go, and yet the idea of sitting in various forms of transportation for the whole day doesn't seem like the best thing ever. And travelling is just... ugh. Especially since like, naseau often pops up with those circumstances. Anddddd I can't really even take pills, which really really stinks. Someone could shove them down, but even that is hard.

My mom: Maybe you should even make a day-pack right now, because you'll be leaving so soon.
Me: Ugh! Do I even have to go?!
My mom: It's so exciting!
Me: But you have fricking pepto-bismol in the luggage! Ugh!

But then again, its something new to do and see. This break has been... hmm hmm ha so far, which is basically along the lines of "maybe boring", "not very social", "full of not-outside", "bland" and "not at all winter-like". It does stink. And then of course I have to go back to that place. I do have a third of the way chopped off, and half the year decapitated nearly, and I guess the second halves or whatever normally go faster than the first. Sort of.

I went jamming today with my dad. It actually wasn't much. Neither of us are John Bonhams, and you can't really hear an acoustic guitar. Sigh.

I am currently reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, who is actually a college friend of my mom's. It's pretty good. I haven't finished that Space one yet, because I guess I just don't dig long and slightly boring books. Still want to read John Green. And oh my gosh my birthday is awfully soon; I dunno. For some reason, things just don't seem so... dandy or sparkely or so amazing or so awesome this year or something. Again, I dunno.


I miss hanging out with people my age outside of school. Those were the days.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Writer's Mock

What do you do when you are a writer, have a computer in front of you, no one's on Gmail chat, and are listening to Becca's new gnarly playlist? Well, if you're like me, you might attempt to write something. Problem with this situation is the music is just so good all you want to do is maybe stare at the wall taking in the awesomeness. Ideas harder to flow. Not really writer's block, but its bad.

In case you were wondering, I am attempting to write a story. Short one I guess. It's hard to do when listening to The Hush Sound when you're tired. Hmm. But I guess the best thing to do with writer's block is just write anything, even if its crap. Eventually you'll find something worthy. Better than staring at a wall I guess.

... a few seconds later, after trying to overcome writer's block:

Man, how the hell can I... this sucks! No. Ideas. Turn off music? No way!

After a minute of staring at playlist:

Uh. Gah. But I like this song. Bed? No way!

And then of course I remember Pieces of Flair...

You try you try, but its just there
blinking your life away, like it doesn't care
no one to talk to, no one to see
there are words, but they seem to come at a fee
the music is more words, the white wall so inviting
there's no pain, but the ideas are fighting
don't rush it, just get it done
but just lying here is so much more fun

I want to jam
I can't go back to the lake
I could watch stuff about Jim and Pam
do I seem like a fake?

it seems so happy, wonderful
well yes it is
but its turning out to be somewhat dull
its so dark outside, the day long gone
but tomorrow there are more songs

I guess what I'm trying to say is
a story is what I want to make
but I'm not the James Patterson whiz
and I actually rather have a headache
so I wrote this poem, maybe as a temporary replacement
with the lyics, its hard to tell if I make any sense
I feel like writing not a plot
more, to help me become un-caught

but ugh the rhyming is now more expensive
I could go back to parsely, what gives?
If I spend enough time
I could start inventing
but I figure
I should start really living

listen to the lyrics, become lost, but in a different sense
oh this song is catchy- takes away the fence
well I see now someone on chat is on
another distraction; I guess I'm gone

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Necessary Squeals

I will attempt to restrain myself from expressing my utter glee merely in somewhat utter gibberish, or even just pointless exit waves. This Christmas was epic. I got up at 7, after going to bed at around midnight looking at pictures with Grandma. I was the only one up, did the dishes and read The Tales of Beetle the Bard and that Foxtrot comic. I had received a decent amount of books and movies and even a letter from a very good friend, the slightly non-sequitor, singing, laughing flute player, Jenners. So as of late, I don't think I will hardly ever get bored. What with the Office (Season 4), Calvin and Hobbes (Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons), Foxtrot (Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything), The Tales of Beetle The Bard, Jumper, Goundhog Day, Year of the Dog, Leatherheads and Mr. Bean. And then of course, its December 25.

Getting up at 7 turned out to be somewhat pointless, as I waited for nearly 3 hours till my dad finally woke up. In my stocking, I got some stuff, one of them being the soundtrack for the motion picture Stranger Than Fiction. It's pretty awesome.

A breakfast of pancakes, after my mom, brother and grandma came 'round. I was quite impatient, and yet not really. But then of course we had to take pictures. Zach is known for not liking pictures with him in them, and getting him to actually smile in one is a pretty large feat. My dad likes to.. well, sort of "make fun of" his video game obsessions, so my dad tried a technique so dad-like it almost hurts (please disregard my phrases like that- its just a habit. No, they did not inflict pain).

My dad looks over at Zach, and says in his famous joking voice, "Just think about video games!" I glance back at Zach and he immediately starts to grin. Then we all start cracking up.

Good times.

I've had this almost obsesssion with CD's, and I sure wasn't disappointed. Probably the best thing was, however, me getting a cell phone and having a picture of Erez and Oren opening up the big Toblerone I gave 'em on the cellphone already. Yeah. That was awesome. I got some socks as well and Zach somehow got me an Itunes gift card. He got a ton of gaming stuff. Keyboard, mouse, etc.

We also got a bunch of (sigh) French books. But I mean, I'm not that annoyed or whatever. In fact, yeah its pretty cool. It's just.... just let me complain a tiny bit. Or yeah. And also, Omi gave me and my mom a copy of Twilight, so now maybe my mom will read that. She read the back and said it seemed "interesting" in a good way. So, whatever.

We took a short walk along Lake Geneva, and it was blusterly cold. The waves were epically crashing over the stone barrier, the wind almost giving you a headache. We got hot chocolate in this place and drove home again.

And then I remembered how my mom said the non-French speakers would be like.... good.... after Christmas. So now, when I go back to school I guess I should feel pretty confident. And yeah I am much better I think. At French. Than when I started. So.. yeah. But. Ugh. School. Eh... Whatever.

Yeah. Pretty frickin' awesome. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. All that good stuff.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Will The Official Commision Against People Not Having Beatles CD's get YOU too, and what is to come next to Sir Lady and The Celery??

Oren: cool
your still not a girly right?
me: hope not
nah I don't think so
Oren: goooooood
me: wear the same clothes and stuff
don't worry, I'll always be Ameli
Oren: still a red wings fan?
me: yesss!!
Oren: goooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: mhm


do you gots any beatles cd's?



I fail like that



well you should

its better than food


I believe it.


you do

I have a few songs on my ipod but only like two.
psh shame

I know


so you should


run outside

right now

and get a cd

or risk

being chased by

celery having anti-freeze dumped on them


Thats a interesting image.



yes it is




I know

they are trained by

the official commision against people not having beatles cds


Interesting commission. I should be scared.



well normally

they don't actually harm people

they just


*locks windows and doors*


instill a fear in the hearts that translates into you suddenly craving a CD, and suddenly having just the amount of change to buy one


How intricate






I know

but necessary


I suppose.


the world is suffering from lack of beatles


and things


I'm sure.


well its true

did you know


every year

at least one person per.. two I guess



not having a beatles cd?

and in fact

not having one

or even knowing who they are

can cause



damage to the





I know


me: yes

4:33 PM LOL!
I'll take that as a compliment
thank you
but you ain't bland, yon person!
4:34 PM Jenny: yon?
thankee very kidnly good sir lady!

and then....

me: OMG!

4:56 PM "she sure has large peots!" this lady sir saided to the glasses.
4:57 PM brb
Jenny: The celery did a little jig and shrieked with delight. "May we go with you on your route, Sir Lady?"
5:00 PM me: Sir Lady squinted and looked to her right on the bench, and squeaked, "The Celery??! Could that possibly be you?? We have not seen-ed each other since... well, since brunch a few seconds ago when Yud fell down the spoon gaboon!" and then they proceeeded to go on their route.
5:02 PM Jenny: "I climbed out!" Said the celery indignantly, as he brushed off his elbows.
"Which proves I should go on this adventure with the brave Sir Lady!"
(to be continued??)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jumped off the couch..

words, fourteen

A boatload of feelings bombard
It barely covers it just to say "its hard"
You're sorta sparked, feel new
and almost obsessed with this concept of you

A sharpened pencil, dog-eared books
and getting those disgusted looks
that you've learned to ignore
almost like those damn hormones making you sore

Do you know these people? If so, how come?
Are you just being self-centered to be wanting some?
Maybe its exaggerating; yes it can be great
But what if you're the one late?

More stuff to keep up with
Is this how everyone wants you to live?
Uncertainties and crying on the floor
Next day is just more and more

Guitar picks and 20-dollar bills
Learning about how drugs kill
Excluding circles, laughing at so-called jokes
so much love, you almost feel soaked
but then that's cheesy and stupid
like unnecessary fights with your bestest bud

Plugged in all day, going with the flow
I guess we're all just trying to figure it out
Wanting to lie in the grass that we have to mow
The drama too overdone, the stereotypes too loud
in our muchly-written-about teenage lives

Friday, December 19, 2008

post happy- avec with a question mark

Yeah, 3rd post today. Boredom/stress/what the heck does that to you. Well, I found out about this blog, and from there found this video, which is almost creepy. I mean, wow. I recommend watching the video. Quite seriously.

My thoughts might be a little incomplete here. My mom got all pissed about me using her computer and all. I mean, I see where she's coming from... this is like her only "space". But I mean, I need to talk to my friends. I have stuff to do too. It's not as much of a problem when my dad's home, 'cause then I can use his. There's some really bad weather apparently in Boston or whatever, so he might not come home tomorrow. Ugh. Zach sure... well, he's sort of different when dad's gone. Sort of more mature. Nicer. He's actually pretty cool. Yeah.

Well this is just one day. And I mean, its probably just from the... the overuse. But I still... I mean, why can't there be something there? Well there is I guess. Well yeah. But like... well I think its just the missing friends thing that messes it all up.

I got the emails of Claire, Emma and Olivia today. I guess I want to have a birthday party... not sure what we'd do though. See Twilight? Whatever. I don't think they've read the books though. Art was really awesome though; we had lots of candy and stuff. We're making these flower bouquets out of straight lines. Like, you draw the outline of a flower or whatever in pencil and with a black pen can make diagonal, horizontal, vertical, etc lines to fill up the outline. It's pretty cool. Mine smears a lot. I have a guitar- and toaster-flower.

So the question could be, is it really like this, or am I just inventing? There isn't really a "poor you". I mean, sometimes all you need is someone else at least to see from your point of view, and just know the emotions. So that's what I'm doing here, isn't it? No one's on chat really. Out sledding probably. Yay. I need to mail out a letter, finish some homework and desperately need to talk to some people. But I have proved it is possible to be happy in France. Much, much? Apparently. Not.

Was it expected that it went away? That they did? I don't know what I thought. But it is all very much chang-ed. You know what? I should just end.

Lack of Jack

Somehow, someway, some...who? it is December 19. And its.... winter, you say? Gosh. The "winter" over here is so pitiful. It's like... late November in Ann Arbor. Not cold. You gotta really squint for the snow. But whatever. 

I stayed home half the day on Tuesday because of sickness. But I'm pretty much all better now. Quinn has left to go back to England, and Jess has moved up in the FLE class. 

On the way home from school today, I was just.. well, rather happy. I wanted to run. So I did. I had various Christmas carols stuck in my head. I wanted to high five and talk with Becca. I wanted to play catch with Anthony. I wanted to jam with Miyako, make movies with Erez and Oren and fake-diss Tina and laugh with Alex. I wanted to play trumpet and witness a "discussion" with Mrs. Smith about watching Christmas specials on TV. But that all could wait. It really could. Because for now, I was happy. Content. I could deal. 

And now, you guys have a snow day today. Awesome. Snow days are like the best thing ever. That feeling you get.... ah, I can sleep in! And then call Anthony and people and head over to Slauson and play in nature's most awesomest thing: snow. Which means I can chat with you more!!! Probably. And stuff. w00t. Life's good. Life's friggin good. I just feel like going around and hugging and high fiving every person. Have good holidahs. I really do hope you have an awesome holiday. 

And now, on to busting out some guitar chords on that there guitar. And pretending to sing.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

French food stair-ya-tipe


I just went to a French restaurant... needless to say, it was pretty dandy. We would always pass the place on our walks to the local pizza place, and now we got to go to an authentic French place. The guy could sort of tell we couldn't speak French much, so he added in the English translation a few times. But we still sort of talked in French mostly. Or attempted to.

The menu was pretty fancyish, and it was mostly fish. I got some salmon with teryaki sauce. They had this little bowl in the middle of the table that had these like... roasted, salted, sugared? pumpkin seeds. They were seriously good. After a while the guy brought out these awesome plates with some like... lobster bisk-ness, zucchini, cracker with some something on it and... pumpkin soup. Small portions. But it was good I guess.

Then, get this- he brings out these hot breadly items; a little baguette or like a roll. They were good! And then came our actual dinners, which came in such small portions compared to back in America that I almost blinked. Well, I did blink. But not because of that. And not... just whatever. They were small portions. Lots of vegetables. And yes, the French have good food.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


You know, I just find it... amazing. Like, just... wonderful, really. How people change. How your friends change, and yet you still love them of course. How you can talk to them about almost anything, and how they still want to talk to you. And how just.. just how it all works out. How it all goes on, and although its sort of sad to think about how the past is past, but then there's this new. There's this now. There's always going to be now. And new. 

This isn't a sad... thing. Because I'm really rather happy. It's just weird, that's all. But sort of a different weird than I normally tell you guys about. Like, maybe it was just the day, but stuff was maybe.. quieter? People were different, of that I am sure. But it wasn't really bad different, it just.. went on. So how to describe it though... 

I mean, I could start a blog post with ugh. I really could. I could go back to that "France sucks" thing and change the perspective I guess. I mean, what am I trying to say here? 

A piece was taken out, re-arranged and might not fit in again. But even if day 164 is like the day of new weird (its not even cereal weird. nor ceral weird), I still love Becca. And love Anthony. Maybe its maturity? I don't think I am drifting though; its just more... settled? 

Maybe it is was just weird today. Maybe. But I feel like there's a different place now. Sometimes you just gotta say "no" to the drama. Just sit down and talk to your friends.

But its weird though 'cause like (back to the "ugh" thing- sorry), this new... place I guess almost seems like the piece really won't fit in. The piece being me sort of. But we'll see, right?

It's not letting go really... its just sort of... staring at that cereal box and knowing that someday the green grass will be the fields of Slauson. Again.

I tend to be repetitive. Redundant. Sometimes I invent things. But sometimes I do need it. Just ask me how my day goes, how I am, and don't kill me. I'm sort of starting to see... from another point of view. Maybe more than one. 

And music. It's one of those seriously powerful mood changers. 

I'm suffering from lack of jam. I've just had this major impulse to just want to jam. Really bad. And I'll probably be making another invitation from That One Guy in vermonte Named vAr.

I mean, sure I miss my dad and all and I have that phlegmy cough, but this is good. Is it good? Do you like it? I think I like it.

I mean, like always, this is going to change again. And I might get pissed again (sorry), but at least now I know what it can be like. So maybe that's to say its not really numbness, and not a point of no return, but somewhere in there. Tomorrow's going to be day 165 according to my calculations, which means only 200 left (200 posts). Almost 2/3 done. And I kinda like my hair this long.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

GEAD (not dead)

A few days ago I had been lost. Maybe I still am. I was going to blog about it, but didn't have the time.

I just find it really... weird how one gets used to things. And how they don't. It's like... time just goes by so fast, and it just goes by anyway, and you think you're in 4th grade coming back to the class late because you had to interview a teacher for Eberwhite Web Club (that actually happened), but then it turns out you're really graduating from 5th grade. Nope, you blink and its the last day of 7th grade, and that bunch of balloons came loose and flew into the air. Ah, but it just so happens that NOW its winter. 8th grade. Was it not JUST Monday? Like, last I checked it was even.. it was October. And I hated the school. And stuff. But now, I'm sort of used to it.

If I had never come to France, I would never have known what moving or going to a different school was like. 

If I had never gone to France, I would have never known Claire, Emma, that other Emma, Monsieur Bajard, Monsieur Besson, Faouzi or Quinn even existed. But now that I do know that there are such people, and I know them somewhat, it seems weird ever to think that I didn't always know them. 

I'm pretty used to the school and all... and its almost like Slauson and its ghost and the memories are slipping. No. Actually that's an exaggeration. But still, its like America and its culture and calling "English class" as "language arts" and having to bring a lunch to school.. all of that seems abstract. And you know what else is creepy? Sometimes I prefer to use some French words and stuff. Like, for some reason I don't bother translating some stuff when I read it. Well no. That sentence is sort of not necessary. It's just... I mean, technically doesn't your brain always "secretly" translate stuff? Because when I read French that I understand, or hear French, obviously I don't think as hard or something. Hmm... I don't really know how to explain though.

But back to the lost thing. As I said, I had gotten used to the school and new language and whatnot pretty well I guess. And it's just weird though because you don't really expect yourself to get used to new things really... and it just happens so fast, and almost replaces or makes new what you thought before. And then of course there's the thing in my case where I sort of have two worlds I go in. Or two places. Or two.. perspectives if you will. And frankly I find that inconvenient and unfair.

Whenever I chat with my friends, its like I go back to Ann Arbor and the USA and Slauson and speaking English all day and packing lunches and high school credits and only having to walk 2 minutes to school. And I almost forget about France and all the stuff that goes with it. But after not seeing my friends and all for awhile, even with chatting with them sometimes, you just automatically or whatever start to feel a drift. They have new private jokes, new experiences that you're not a part of. And just... ugh. You're still their friends, and still miss each other and all, but its just not the same. 

And then I go back to France and all that and getting home at 5:45 and no band and walking home for lunch and not seeing my old friends and speaking French and etc etc. And I still think about the other perspective with my friends and all, but its just... less I guess. 

But then I just feel (felt) like I could live with the French thing for the year as promised, and that yeah it was do-able, just unpleasant. I would see my friends again. I would go back to the USA and Michigan and all that. But then it occurred to me that I didn't really fit in either at the moment. 

I had already only set up for France for the short-term, and therefore didn't 100% fit in really. I can't fall back on it, I can't really fully commit myself to it. But I'm torn. I have this other part, the Ann Arbor one. But I can't fully fit in there. I don't want to do either. I don't want to stay over here, but I cannot go back because I feel like I'm already so "far behind". The changes might "hurt" and the differences might make me regret, but I still can't stay here. So I was lost. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. 

As always, Becca offered some advice. Or well, perspective I guess. She told me the place you occupy doesn't define you and stuff. Which yeah. She's right. 

I guess its solved and all. It's just... argh. Seriously annoying and @#*(#*(%#**%^#!!! to switch between the perspectives. I hate it. I really do. Neither are perfect.

But at least I'm numb. Less pain, eh? I've just put lots of energy towards the "exit" (of the France one) that I guess I can see the "light at the end of the tunnel". But what a long and stupid and... whatever tunnel it's turning out to be.

Talking does help. But as many things over here are, it has side-effects. Let's just keep it at "seeing the light at the end".

By the way? I love my friends. And those often-indie acoustic guitar songs/players that have really cool songs. 

This is a cool site. I miss my bike. And I probably miss you.

Snow... goons?

I've sort of unofficially quit hockey. Sort of like me unofficially quitting Runescape. Well, ok not really. Don't get me wrong, hockey is like.. the best thing ever. It seriously is fun. But then, my sissyness kicking in, I just hate the whole "having to play with high school girls who are like much much better than me, and who SPEAK FRENCH and then also having to play with middle-aged/maybe a little younger-guys, who can be sort of cool, but are also better than me and who also speak French a lot" thing. And oh I forgot the part where I stay up till midnight. Fun, right? After being sleep-deprived for several weeks/months, I've decided sleep is actually useful. And good! So there. Now, I could say to myself, "Amelia, you're being a complete... a complete sissy here." and in a way I am. Ugh. Dilemma. 

I actually got an "Amelia sandwich" the other day. No, I did not eat myself, and maybe I should rephrase that. Here, how about... two other girls (I knew them) came up you know, and sort of did that sandwich thing. It was sort of ironic, because the occasion was that "they hadn't seen me in a long time!" Even though it had only been like.... a week. So yeah. And then one of them, Claudia (who's that like tri-lingual girl in my FLE and math speciales classes who I sort of walk home with)'s friend asked who was on my button. It was John Lennon, but Claudia thought it was Harry Potter. "You like the Beatles?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Do you?" 

"Yeah they're cool," then Claudia accused her friend of being weird/rude to me, so they left. They both wear white coats and slightly tight jeans.

I have just been informed, as of a few minutes ago, the following news.

Turns out our neighborhood is getting a little more... hmm hmm ha... which means.

So you guys know the kidnapping? And then the robbery at Champion just down the street a few blocks? Couldn't get any worse, right? Ha. No. Turns out the police were doing an investigation in the phone booth just across the street from this apartment, like checking for fingerprints and stuff. Which apparently means there was a somewhat serious crime. Right. Across. The street. 

Now, this is not to say I'm panicking. Just thought I'd tell you guys about it. I'm not that worried, but I mean sure its a little creepy. 

But, back to the lighter subjects, it's SNOWING! And there's already like an inch or so on the ground. Which is seriously cool. It's sort of absolute slush, (wet and whatnot), but its snow nonetheless. But for some reason this winter just doesn't have the certain... ding to it. No tree yet, no Christmas music really... and plus the weekends don't mean calling over Anthony to walk over to Slauson, probably carrying the Bruiser, and sledding till we can't see or feel our fingers. Or making forts in my backyard, or making movies with Erez and Oren and Anthony and playing video games in the basement with ice water and hot chocolate or getting seriously mad at Zach for throwing a stinging snowball down my coat, and playing that one game where we tackle each other on the hill. HIJACKER! BLACK WALL!!! HA HA. omg.

And then of course when I come back it'll be way different, and/or non-existant. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. But I still have memories.

You know what occurred to me today? I thought it was pretty cool to be even just slightly, a tadbit, "tri-lingual". I mean, I've got English pretty well down, and French is not bad, and then Spanish.. well ok I probably know about 0,4% of Spanish people, but whatever. I'ma feeling pretty confident rights about now. I'ma starting to like this. To a certain extent.

Algebra. Crap. And then my dad's leaving on Saturday to go back to A2 for a week. I soooo envy him. But then again, if I were to go, that would mean I'd be like, "OMG I HAVE to see Becca and Anthony and Jenny and Alex and Miyako and Erez and Oren and Hannah and-" but then if I did, although it would be awesome I s'pose, I wouldn't ever want to leave, and it would just be terrible to leave them again. So that would suck. So I guess I don't want to go back right about now.

So there's the Slauson winter concert tonight? Wish I was there. It'll be at like.. 11pm for me I think. Winter concerts always seem to come so fast. Trumpet's going pretty good though. We'll have a little party with the other trumpeters next week, and then there's this (French) band I can play with once a week if I want. Only one more week of school after this one and then ha ha ha haaaa. And then that will be a third of the school year gone, and yeah!

Just thought I'd tell you guys again that life rocks and all. Not to mention, you guys rock.

Oh, by the way Karina, skiing isn't normally like that. That was just an unusual windy day. But yeah sure thanks.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Touching the Void

White. That's all it was. Not black. And yet, in a way it was black. It was so... so incredibly white that it seemed almost impossible that the very concept of white was not possible, or maybe that any other color than white would be impossible.

Tiny. Deep. Almost like the letter i in the word "ominous"; discreet and almost unnoticeable. But still there. Still very there. Tiny. Deep. Shards. Hitting, biting my face like a punch in the face from a friend. Constant scratching. My head, with it's watery eyes, wanted to occupy the white with a purpose, trying to help my brain figure out what's going on. But no, the silver needles amidst the incomprehensible white void didn't want my head in there. Stop that, it seemed to communicate. But that's what I was saying in my head.

Pain. Not quite burning, maybe more like pressure. It felt like a... almost a yellow. Yes that's what it was. A horizontal yellow line, thick in the middle but evening out. That's what my feet felt like. I wanted the boots off. Off. Off. OFF. I moaned in my head, a head that couldn't quite feel the black wool hat feebly covering my forehead, let alone the thin red hood. And then my eyes. Watery from the sneering wind, and from me holding my left one close. I barely opened it, to find blurriness and, well, flurriness. But then of course, there was little point in opening my eyes, as it was just white.


I stood at the top of a hill, not knowing how long it was, by myself. I couldn't see anyone else behind me. I was on a mountain. Pair o' bulky boots, squeezing my calves, attached to some used skies, which sifted around the soft, rapid snow. My lower body wasn't cold, neither was my upper really. It was just... white and unnerving.

A few minutes ago I had seen Zach, who was skiing with Simon. But looking down after only a minute or so, he was gone. And all I could see, literally all it was, was a billowing white... existence. I muttered the s-word under my breath and glared out. Be brave, man. You can do this. It's just... snow. Was it flat? Was it a wall? Was it some cosmo-type milk? Where was down? Where was up? Left? Right? It was impossible to tell.

Was I scared? You could say that. I wasn't like hyperventilating or nothin', but it wasn't the most relaxing thing I've experienced.

I took a deep breath and pushed out with my skies down into the unknown. Then again, I wasn't even sure if it was down.

Ice again. Sharp. Pain. The wind was blowing from my left, and hit my side with surprising force. But I had sort of gotten used to it. The boots were too heavy, the snow and nothingness too controlling. I fell over, the skies partially cutting through a loose bank of snow. It wasn't painful to fall down, just a little annoying. My eyes were practically streaming with tears, the wind so strong. I laid there perhaps for longer than normal, but gathered up confidence to boost myself up. Ok, that's ok.. let's just be tough here. Push with the left, then the right, grab some ground with the poles and gather momentum.

Where the hell was I going? It was so white, so full of nothing, that I only just found out if I was going on a small bump or something till it actually happened. That is, I literally could not see where or what I was doing. Straight? Left? Right? I could see maybe a feet or two in front of me, and the slight grey trees showing up on the sides, but had to be looking down at my skies. Again, my vulnerable face being constantly irritated with tiny silver gugashoons (new word) holding pick-axes. And cleets. And broken glass bottles.

I continued skiing down the abyss, and fell down again. This time my boots popped out of my skies, and I glanced back up the hill. I could identify a dark shape lumbering down the white, its human-like motions a small comfort in the white.

It was Steve. Simon's dad. Who was pretty nice I guess. He had a grey-ish black beard-like feature and an English accent. He wasn't all "tea and crumpets" but it was still not quite American. We had sort of gone up the lift of this hill together, except he missed the lift after me so was a little delayed. He was a much better skier and stopped in front of me. I got up and let him help me clean the "crap" (he referred the snow stuck to the bottom of your boots and whatnot as that word) off my boots. I did it myself mostly, not being a complete sissy, but he did help. "Thanks," I muttered feebly, fighting back a moan or yell of rage from the pain.

The rest of the hill wasn't so bad, except mostly just bland and abstract. I skied sort of in front of Steve, and eventually saw a tiny shack-type thing and a darker shade in the white, meaning the little mountain huts. I skidded to a halt, the lines protruding from my boots shuddering in the snow, struggling to find a hold. The lift was to my right, there were a few people walking/skiing around as it was when I got on the lift, and I had survived.

It wasn't quite as white down there. You could see part of your surroundings, but around you it still wasn't crystal clear.

"You want a hot chocolate or something? Let's go in one of the restaurants..." Steve leaned his skies against the given wooden structure and I followed suit, though had to be shown how to put my gloves up.

"Oh uh yeah sure..." We crunch crack craft -ed across the snow, stomping our boots of "crap" in the tiny restaurant/cafe and the heat seeped into my fingers immediately. It was pretty packed, with a few tables and chairs jumbled next to the walls, the counter to your right.

Steve found a table in the left corner and we sat down. French phrases, loud and scrambled, wafted through to my ears but I tried not to tune in. He asked if I wanted a hot chocolate, and it was hard to refuse. I wasn't that hungry, a nice mug of brown warmth scribbling down my throat didn't seem all that bad.

My dad came in, barely recognizable with soaked glasses, shiny hair and a red face. He was grinning almost and came over to sit down. I had sort of lost him after he went up the lift while me and Zach were lying in the snow. We were just so tired and annoyed that we just decided to stay in the snow. There are actually fewer pleasures than succumbing to that wunnerful fluff known as snow. I remember one time I was sledding with Sam and Slauson, and we crashed sort of while riding in the same sled around mid-hill, and just laid in the snow (not on top of each other of anything) for a few minutes. Eyes closed maybe, water dripping around you, and this cooperative lump enveloping your tired self. Relaxing.

But of course my boots had to be too tight. There was an irksome throbbing around my ankle, and I screamed inside my head, take the boots off need the boots off off offf offffffffff. Eventually I did take them off, or at least loosen the straps. There was lots of snow.

The hot chocolate was pretty good. My dad told us all how he was having serious trouble skiing; he had actually gotten motion sickness from not being able to tell how or what or whatever about moving. Like, if he really was moving or not. So he rambled on about that, and then Zach and Simon came in after awhile. The floor was really slippery from melted crap from boots, but it was warm. Zach got a crescent and Simon took a sip of the wine Steve bought.

After we all heard about my dad's unpleasant experiences several times, we consulted the maps to figure out how the heck we were going to get out of there. Turns out we had to go back up that one lift, on which you had to put a metal like... mini-seat thing between your legs and let it pull you up. Not that bad, except I failed several times on my first try. The French guy had to come over to help.

I really wanted to get out of there, so that determination helped numb some of the pick-axe-cleet-broken glass-carrying gnomes. But, here's the catch that ruined pretty much everything. I fell off the friggin' lift. One second I was doing fine, biting the bullet to stay in there. But then all of a sudden, I move around a little too much or something and just fall right off. You're not high up or anything; in fact, your skies scrape the ground. So it wasn't painful. It was just... incredibly frustrating. Thank goodness my dad was behind me, and he stopped with me. Wind was fiercer now and it was still just white. I hated this.

My dad's attempt at communicating with me was muffled. He had to yell and I could just barely tell what he was saying. We didn't really know how far we were from the top, but walking up with skies is amazingly hard. So we would have to go down. Which I was not enthusiastic at all about. To ski down that... that... utter void of pain and the unknown again was... ugh. But then Steve came down, and my dad explained that I had fallen down the lift. Yup, all my fault, I thought sarcastically. He said it wasn't that far to the top, so walking up seemed the best. I was game.

"Ergh... ugh.. dad- wait a second...!" I was half just talking to myself, not even bothering to try to talk above the prevailing air blowing around. I moved up the angled snow horizontally of course, each step moving maybe a foot or less. But then we decided to just walk up with our boots. It wasn't that far, just pretty unpleasant. Then this French/Swiss dude came up to us (he didn't have any poles so I guessed he was a pretty awesome skier) and my dad comfirmed with him that going up this way and the left was the right way to going back down to where we came from.

Climbing back into my skies proved to be hard again, after thoroughly scraping the "crap" off my boots with Steve's help. Then we had to stop again because there was some little kid bawling his brains out (as my dad had said). He was all alone, maybe 7-11 years old, on the top of that God-foresaken *#%@(%*#&%-ing hill. I didn't blame that kid for crying. But then someone else came and I guess he was ok.

The descent, looking back, wasn't all that bad. But I got kinda worried about my dad. He would fall down once in a while, trying to regain his composure. He was like... seriously having problems. Almost sick to his stomach. His idea was that his body just did not want to ski when it couldn't tell what the hell was happening. Not without reason, Steve had put in with a laugh.

But we obviously made it through. A few snowboarders and some other skiers passed us, but I think I actually did ok on the skiing front. This was my first time in 2 years, and first time on a real mountain. I didn't fall down again, but still had trouble seeing stuff.

"Well, I'm sorry that wasn't that... great," My dad said when he got to the bottom, practically breathless.

"Eh its ok. It'll make for a good blog entry," I said with a grin.

"Yeah that's true I suppose," It's sort of ironic though, because my dad is normally the toughest troop. He's a good skier and all, but all that white blowing around just messed stuff up.

We took the lift down with these other people, 2 teenage boys and what I would guess as their mother. It was weird though, 'cause at first they were talking French, but then I heard the woman say "Stop that," when one of the sons/boys started putting snow down people's backs. They also said some other English stuff, and at one point I looked at my dad and we both grinned.

On the way back, we listened to some of Simon's CD's and stuff, which was pretty cool. We were all super tired, but I myself wasn't that cold. The music was this band Eels, who were actually pretty good. Sort of.. techno... techno jazz in a way.

During one of the breaks of talk in the car, my dad brought up my blog.

After clearing his throat, "Well in a few hours this will all be up in Amelia's blog,"

"Oh is that right? Ha," Steve glanced back at me and I muttered a "Yeah..." with a slight smile.

We stopped by their apartment and had a drink. Rachel, Simon's mom, who's American I think, came by after going snow-shoeing with her brother. Then we broke out some chocolate and talked about the conditions and stuff. My dad was actually shivering, and Zach looked just utterly pissed. He had tons of work to do apparently.

Eventually we left. It was pretty dark. The mountains were now just a blunt white. They had looked just majestic when we first came to drive up, with their snow-laden trees. It looked almost like a huge... a huge wall. Into another perspective maybe. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first... it was like someone handing you the awesomest book that you had looked for forever and always dreamed of having. But I guess then the amazement becomes reality, and you come to realize what's really happening. Because in a way, its all just nothing out there. But there's those sometimes small, but important sides of stuff that maybe you never notice. They're definitely there, but you might not be sure what they are. But that's up to you to think about. Kinda like the letter i in the word "ominous".

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's CALLED living in December, gosh!

So... new month, new blog post, new... whatever. DECEMBER! Awesome. Probably my favorite month. But let's see... I've been in France (Europe) for about 154 days, and there are only about 211 left according to my calculations. Then it will be 200 left. Then 190. Then 180. Then 170. Then, you get the point. All the way to 5 left. And then yeah.

7 more months, people. That's approximately 5,064 hours! And about 303,840 minutes. And only 18,230,400 seconds. Which will continue to tick tick tick away.

But enough numbers. 5 months... November was pretty cool I guess. There was Obama (W00t!!!), coming back from London,Thanksgiving, and uh... more French. I actually feel somewhat confident, or at least more confident in the French classes. I.e. it seems like I sort of can sort of actually sort of understand what the hell they are saying. At least, the simple stuff like "skip a line" or "learn this for Wednesday" or "your pronunciation is terrible and you said something wrong" or even "turn to page 194 and answer all the questions" etc etc. I'm not trying to brag, it's just that my brain has decided to let this click. So, perhaps French will.. can... is... cool.

School is eh still. But actually, I've gotten pretty used to it I guess. And life rocks (still). It's getting "cold"er and there is lots of white on them mountains.

What else what else... I'm still really into guitar and trumpet and yeah. I've kinda.. given up on the documentary idea. I probably have mentioned this. I'm just very busy. And it probably wouldn't... turn out... the greatest. But whatevz.

It seems like I haven't talked to my friends in a while. That is no.

Wait a second. Christmas is this month!??! For some reason I just... can't really.. feel the magic here. Perhaps it is the lack of utter gaggy unnecessary decorations. I mean, I've noticed a few lights and stuff that are probably trying to look like a sled, but these guys are pretty shy about it over here it seems. Oh and then there's my birthday. I'm not even going to try to think about that.

Ya ever feel like really inspired and like hyped up about something and all you want to do is get out of there and do it? I need/want/have to write a song. Or something. It's like maddening. Guitar! Guitar! Frets! Strum! Sort of sing! Lyrics! Guitar! Strings! CDs! Music! Yes!

So... Coldplay, along with Julia Nunes. Who I found out about by one of my friends. French hornian. But Julia Nunes.. she is very very cool, you gotta check her out, man. And... um... by "checking her out" I mean, clicking on her YouTube profile and whatnot... pixels...yeahhh:

Why does it seem like something major is missing here (in my life)? It just seems like I haven't talked to people in a while. But argh I want to chat and all but also try waking up early on the weekends. Fo real. Delemna.

Zach knows this one girl who can speak 5 languages. That just like creeped me out.

We have 1000 hits people. That took about... 2 months? Thank you thank you thankkkk you. I hope... well, according to the last poll this blog is "interesting". I try. I really do.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Over the weekend we went on this really cool hike and made a snowman. There were some cool pictures; might add 'em later.

In gym we're doing these gymnastics-like "exercises" which are incredibly awkward and ugh.

I think I'll call one of my awesome friends (meaning they are all awesome) tonight, but I guess I won't be able to talk much. I've got an SVT test on volcanoes tomorrow and hockey... which I am not actually looking forward to much. I dunno why. I sort of made some new "friends" in the CERN one. I've established myself as defense, and I talked to my partner a little bit (imagine what Roman says with a slight French accent, which I sort of tried to put in there):

Roman: (that's probably not how you spell it, but it sounds like that sort of): So uh where do you come from?
Me: Uh, Michigan.
Roman: Do you zike it here?
Me: Um, its ok I guess.
Roman (looking almost sympathetic): But uh, I bet you miss your uh friends... and the school is pretty... pretty hard.
Me: Yeah.

Wow. It's like these guys actually know what its like.

Roman: So, zou change uh vith ze tall one- number eight... ate-ee?
Me (clearing up his pronunciation): Yeah, eighty.

I'm learning how to play the Looney Tunes theme thing on trumpet, which is pretty cool. I really really like Coldplay now. And as for algebra, yeah I guess I can do it.. maybe... I can try.

On the way back from Geneva, (we were shopping and stuff) I overheard these two English guys talking. The one guy was ranting about how bad his school, teachers and work was and stuff. He probably said the F-word at least once in every sentence. When we got off, my mom turned to them and said, "Excuse me, but if I was your mother I would ground you for a week for saying so many swear words in public." I didn't look at them. I just continued straight on.

See, to me that was... wow. Embarrassing. My mom's argument was that those guys were (poorly) representing their country over here and that that guy was a spoiled kid. I somehow found myself almost defending the guy, saying its other peoples' fault for judging people like that. I mean, to me, French people (and really anyone) can think whatever they want about Americans. That's not to say I don't care about my/our/whatever so-called "reputation" but I mean, think about it. I'm just another person, and "American" is just a.. label. The world should be more together. That'd be cool. They're being racist, as Zach put in, and that kid should be able to express himself. But then again, the F-word is offensive and.. well I dunno.

Your guyses thoughts?

Monday, December 1, 2008


4 math classes.

I got the Algebra 1 textbook today, along with the History one and I seriously feel like just breaking down and crying.

I am going to fail those exams.

Especially with that attitude, right?


I took a look at like the first page and I mean, I don't even KNOW how to DO these things.

This is too much.

This is seriously wrong, ok?


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fctionary Steps

Thanksgiving involved Futurama, computer games, lying on beds, discussions and of course food. We got home at like 12... it was alright I guess. We watched this one thing recommended by Simon that was some SeaLab thing and they were debating whether to put their human brains in robots. Apparently you would have the strength of 5 gorillas and like... something. And then Jake, the red-haired kid who's tall and ok I guess had an argument/discussion later after dinner about how the brain controls stuff a lot. According to Jake, if you think you're taking poisonous pills, you could seriously die just because you thought you were. Simon disagreed. I wasn't really sure what I thought.... I mean, the brain is pretty powerful. I find it so cool that we're like the only species smart enough to think about our own brains. Like, our brain can contain information about itself. Think.. think... think.

They had a dog. They were pretty nice. I miss Chester. It's weird though 'cause like... nevermind. I pretty much can't have dessert for like a month (my own "rule") because they had like 5 different pies, 2 times of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and chocolate-chip cookies. I didn't have all. I had pumpkin pie! It was like the best thing since since.

me: I just had thanksgiving dinner
Becca: good\
Anthony: you equal you know?
Becca: goosd
Anthony: at midnight?
12:20 AM me: there were like 5 desserts
sort of
Anthony: weirdo
me: then we watched futurama, and this girl was like on the bed
Anthony: ewww
me: in real life
Becca: good
me: I know
Anthony: thats gross
me: so gross
Anthony: (jk)
me: so but then
I ws like
on the bed
and there was SImon
and his cousin
Sam: whoa
me: and his cousin
I know
Becca: soap
Anthony: ooh@ Slmon
me: she was like, "seriously just lie down" and I was like "oh. ok"
Anthony: capital i looks like a lowercase L
12:21 AM SLMON
me: eat some fishhhhh

Yeah. Jake's sister was named Freda, and she seemed ok. Maybe around my age, had braces. I'm going to hike today... and then finish HW and then maybe chat (yay!) and then maybe play cards/listen to APHC and then practice guitar and trumpet and finish that stupid stupid book about Martin Rugbyface and read Animal Farm and make an adver-tizment and then CALL! YES! PHONES! I want to call my fray-onds. That'd be so cool.

We got skis and boots and poles today. The mountains are so cool now with that white. Skiing should be cool.

I don't really know anymore. Did I ever?

See... smell... say hi.

I'm always pretty... drugged almost on Saturday mornings. Gah.

Do I really want ADULTS reading MY BLOG?

I want to have a sleepover sometime.

Let's just get over this hill, shall we? Then it will be blue. And yellow.

Ha ha its zero

Late night blogging.... I came back from Thanksgiving dinner and all and now everyone is off chat and all and I don't know. And then ugh.

I should make this short because I seriously need sleep.

I hate how I feel like I can lose my friends, and then experience (or at least be informed about) one of my pretty good friends losing one of her really really good friends. That's not cool. STOP THAT.

You just have to think about things though because they might seem really stupid and horrible on the spot, but after thinking about it, it will probably seem not so bad and like you overreacted.

Emotions. I actually kinda feel like I have some of the French stuff down. Like, I miss my friends like hell and all, but I can sort of control it. Or at least numb/ignore/channel it. And it doesn't control me as much. I guess.

I'm about to fall asleep. Will this be another crappy horrible weekend like all the rest? We shall see... I have a whole bunch of HW but actually I don't even hate HW. Stop saying I'm weird because of that. I'm weird but... just yeah.

In art it was fun. As it usually is. This keyboard is so screwy. Good night you alls.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Food (stuff) of Life


I mean, like just gosh. Voices are SO COOL, man!!! Especially after not hearing them for at least 100 days. That was SO COOL. OMG!

Happy Thanksgiving everybloody. You know it's that time of year again, when Google/Yahoo has that turkey thing goin' on, the trees- they are a-explodin', those last few warm-weather enthusiasts get leaves stuck in their flip flops, the voice from the TV says something about "first and ten on the thirty-five" and Charlie Brown, there's a brown lump moving towards you in the air that stubs your fingers, which are already numb from throwing the first snow at your cousins and uncles and aunts and you find your grandma standing on your front porch. 

Ah. Cultural experience. That word again, I know. My Thanksgiving involved none of the above; instead I did a few math problems with someone who didn't speak English (she knew Italian and some French- it was very quiet) and watched English adver-tiz-ments. But that's not to say I hate it here.

Ohh yessss I DID just say that sentence, youse guys. You betta believe it. But don't kill me. Ohh yessss. 

Still haven't had pumpkin pie. But tomorrow, I do get to eat turkey and all that with the friends/family we met over here, who was there at the bar; this post. I mean, sure whatever it's a nice social gathering thing and all, and I get to speak English, but... I sort of feel like the odd person/family out. Plus they're older and stuff... eh whatever.

HA HA. Life is awesome!!!

And phone calls are like the best thing EVER. *hint hint*

(Be warned.)

Random quote of the day:

"I'm not going to eat you ..." - Monsieur Besson to that one guy that flicked him off that one time.

We cracked up again in FLE, 'cause M. Besson was just sooo funny. We got a few new students in FLE too. One of them, maybe both, doesn't speak English.

Only 217 days or so. And apparently there will be balloons?

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a... hmm...Wednesday

Phew. Haven't blogged in like YEARS. Sort of not really a lot has happened. Jess was sick on Monday, and had to literally RUN out of FLE class to... to... well, barf. She said she wasn't feeling well before the class and kept like... I dunno what. Putting her hand over her mouth. I did what I do "best", putting dudes in sentences (that is half-sarcastic by the way). "Dude, if you're sick you should seriously call your mom now," I said with a slightly concerned expression. She just shook her head. Finally she came to her "senses" and we went to the vie scolaire and I said "elle est malade" (she is sick) and so then she went home. Came back ok the next day. 

On Sunday, like I said, we saw W. It was actually pretty good. There was this one scene that was sort of cool 'cause like Bush was talking in Spanish, then there was the English translation and the French translation under. The movie theater in our town is quite low-budget, though. Small. Whatever. On the way there, we almost stepped on a hedgehog. It could have been a rock, but Zach noticed it move. He scampered off, with his little lump of a body.

Our boots crunched and crinked on the snow with the dark surrounding us. The white dots fell softly, like an extra coating of not-black.

I had an almost tri-lingual trumpet lesson, 'cause I played with this German (but he spoke French) kid and my teacher, so my teacher would speak English with both of us sometimes by accident. It was cool yeah.

And then there's a lot of snow on the mountains now, which is seriously awesome. I want to hike one of 'em this weekend or something.

It's cool that my friends have a few days off, so now I can talk to them more! That's the best thing ever. I should be getting off now though. They all left and it all sucks now. I have hockey but don't even... eh. This sucks now! But wait. Nah. It's ok. I just gotta.... bite the bullet, eh? 'Cept I have rather many bullets to bite. They taste bad, too. But actually some of them are ok. Still have some HW, but not that bad.



*Sort of grins.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Right? 'Cause there's a bird

Alright. That was pretty solved. Except for... but yeah.

Do you guys ever have days where you feel like you're in a different place than you actually are?

I don't really know what to think anymore. I say that a lot, don't I though?

I woke up today with an irritated eye. For those of you not familiar with me and my eye problems, I have them. My eyelashes are sort of long (not to brag or anything, but they just sort of are) which I see as an unnecessary... aspect. They fall in my eye a lot. Which, let me tell you, is full of pain. I've gotten to the point where I can just use my finger and some spit to get them out, like without eye drops. I couldn't tell what was wrong with my eye this morning though. Perhaps some soap got in it. Owwww!

That wasn't that unusual. But you see, as soon as I looked out my room window, Louis Armstrong's Winter Wonderland got stuck in my head. The fields. The cars... the white. It was white. There was a little powdering of snow on the ground, looking sort of like cottage cheese. Except much much better. It looked so.. so... promising. And then the hedges were covered, which was great.

I had never seen France in the winter. Now, you might say, well you've never seen France in the summer, so... but in case you didn't know, I had been here in the summer of 2004. So, now I have to get used to a new season. Which might not seem like much, because it happens four times a year. But, may I remind you, I've already got this layer of culture shock. From living in a different culture, you know? So hmm.

Should be a good winter. I'll still miss sledding at Slauson with Anthony and Erez and Oren and maybe Zach's friends. But that wasn't the point I wanted to make. If there is one.

I... what the crap is it with today? I wake up somewhat early, the snow, eat, sort of do some HW. Then I read some of that rugby autobiography. It's getting seriously boring. "So then we won this one game, and then I felt sorry for this one guy. And then we played another game against some of the same teams. Then we drank beer. Won/lost games." My brain got seriously un-entertained so I started to sleep. I was ver-ver-very tired. Then slept on my bed for about 3 hours. I hate hate taking naps. Especially in the middle of the day. Especially with 3 tests (all in French) tomorrow and just... argh. And also when its perfectly light outside. So I got up and practiced guitar. I was pretty dead. Still am. The only thing left really was blogging.

The only thing I can come up with is that... this is just a... extreme case of teenager-ness.

We're seeing Dub-ya (W) tonight at 7. I sort of want to stay to talk to my friends, because I think my lack of that is what is killing me here.

This is just ridiculous. I feel like I have no purpose, except maybe to do things that stink. That I don't want to do. I have friends, ok?? I. Have. Friends. Where are they?

My weekends suck. The end of Michigan football as we knew it was last night. At least PSU pwned. But I don't really care. This is just stupid.

What the shibbity-boo is this? I got no exercise, I have been deprived of sleep (still am), I still have work but whatever, and I can't hang out with anyone.

I'm TIRED of speaking French, all right? I don't CARE about conjugating the verb to blush. I don't like just sitting around, and not really having a choice. I don't LIKE IT when my friends are upset. I don't LIKE IT that I can't even TALK to my FRIENDS. I don't like all of this stupid work that I don't NEED and falling BEHIND and the lack of friends. I don't like having to stay up till 3 am to chat with my friends, and... all of that. I'm TIRED of learning Spanish. I'm sick of Becca not being here. I'm sick of not being in a class with Anthony. I'm sick of not hearing Alex's amazing poetry. I'm sick of having life suck, and yet rock, but not in the ways I want or need.

Do you guys.... do you have any idea how it is to be here? I've never moved before. Well, except for from Chicago when I was younger. I've never really had anything like this. Which in a way is... sure. YES ok I GET that this a wonderful experience, and I've already told you guys that I think it's WORTH IT. Because it is. Probably. But that doesn't mean it can't utterly suck sometimes and that I can't rant about it.

The thing that would make this better is

right now,

for ...

Ok. I have a purpose. Right? I mentioned this before. I continue to. I have friends. I like my friends. I love my friends. They are what help me not utterly die. And they're awesome. Which means basically that I can't live without them. But hey guess what? I sort of am. Well, let me rephrase that sentence. I'm not talking to them right now. That kills. And I just feel like I have to be... I mean, before I moved stuff was awesome; I could talk to them like everyday. But now its like they were almost taken away. Putting an ocean between us sort of would cause that. ARGH. Right about now would be a good time.

Alright alright. Life does not suck. It does not. It yes rocks. I'm going in circles. This is just some stupid blog post like all the rest.

Ugh. Ok. This is just sort of what happens when you... well, live in a different country.

Redundant, right?


By the way, Becca (and Karina), you were right. (Thank you K, A, T and B)