Sunday, September 14, 2008

(I hate "Fall" puns, but I couldn't resist:)My Nose Falling into the Addicting Smell and Aura of Fall Causes a Poetry Impulse

Went to a museum today in downtown Geneva. About like prehistoric life. And of course my dad has to read every single little word. And it was in French. Sigh. I was tired too. After reading some of Cider With Rosie, I actually took a nap. And am still sort of tired. I got a Green Day CD (American Idiot, which is like the only one I can stand) yesterday for 30 bucks. Stuff from the US here is expensive. It's weird though, 'cause I synched it onto my iPod but Green Day doesn't show up in Artists. Huh. Gosh, but some of their songs are like... re-pet-it-ive. It's not even funny how simple they are. Anyway. After that we walked around the old part of Geneva and we got some really nice hot chocolate and it smelled like fall. That crisp, coldish and windy feeling that made me want to get outside so suddenly. I like just wanted to like... go... outside. It was awesome. It was the kind of day and smell that made you want to read poetry. You had to write poetry. You had do something, and just say "screw Green Day-I'm with the classics". You had to walk outside, to just like experience life. I suppose you could call it inspiration. I so have to write a poem today.

As I was walking, I stepped out of my way a lot to step on them extra-crunchy looking leaves. Ooh yeah, feel that crunch- ha ha! The average person would reply "lol" to that.

I was so happy last night. After watching a movie about Shakespeare, (which got me inspired) I discovered that one of my best friends, Becca had read my blog again! And commented! That made my day. Like seriously. It had been awhile. So now I know that at least someone appreciates it. Well, at least someone regularly comments or at least tries to. So thanks. Thanks to everybody.

I sort of have homework. I have a history/geography test on Tuesday I think, and I didn't really study. So I'm naturally worried. Freaked. But I'm trying to put it into perspective. Because in the big scheme of things, it doesn't matter. But that means I won't know that information. So I dunno.

I've been wanting to make a movie. And a slideshow. I have some ideas, but it's hard. Especially because I don't have anyone to film me. With a good angle. But again I don't know.

My dad got a hockey stick. 20 dollars. I also just started using the new facebook because I figure I might as well use it. But so far it's.... ugh.

I like blogging. I don't know what I did before them, I mean seriously. I've been trying to think outside of it all, but in the car for a second I forgot how to not think about it. I suppose it's just because I've had many holes formed since I've got here. I write to vaguely sometimes, partially because this blog is for me mostly. I have lots of readers, and actually I don't normally go back to read my posts, but I have lots to say and do so this a good outlet. I told the teacher in my English class that I had a journal. I didn't tell her it was actually a blog, though.

I think I need a plan. Or like, ideas. Because although this might be working (I'm not sure) it's not... working. It's not really... really. Like I said, I dunno.

WOAH. Ok. Another perspective boom-ba-foog. (My new word for when you get a huge dose of perspective and realization or lack of.) And what is it that I must? I must write a poem. Keeps. Attacking. Should it stop though? Maybe I just need them. Hot sauce twinkies, eh? My mom says I should start a fad at school. Clouds are wet. This is so copying the style. We're actually all different people each time, because really no one wants to beat them up, they just do it because they do, but they do it because they do. Being a teenager.... is cool. I think... I mean, what with vocabulary, stereotypes (those can be positive I guess) and I should just remove my hands from the keyboard, because your brain might turn into a hot sauce twinkie if I keep fooging-ba-booming.

I'd like to end not with lyrics as I sometimes do, but with a quote. A quote that is one of my favorites. And you can probably guess who said it. She always knows how to make me smile. Ha ha. Enough of that friend-... friending.

becca said...
You'll be here soon enough.
I'm more concerned about you surviving your being smothered in hugs and whooping and yells of affection when you return.

Maybe it's best you start bracing yourself now.

Simply smile-inducing.

That smell... my pen/keyboard is calling. Or. *inhales more.... that should be a perfume. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. *sniffs nose... ahh yes! It's like addicting. Now all I need is to go with Jenny over there and go down Slauson hill in a red wagon. Looks like I didn't actually end with a quote. But you guys get the just of it. Actually I don't know that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo!!! Poetry, very exciting. Green Day songs can get very repetitive. Your right.
