Hey, so one of the jobs I get to do is clean off the top of the garage!! I sound like a little kid, excited about some stupid thing. Yeah well too bad. So, I get to sweep off the top and clear out the gutters! I'll try to take some pictures and I'll write about it after.
30 minutes later:
Wow. Well, that was fun. First I had to climb up a somewhat-unstable ladder. My dad was holding it but still. He told me I would have to use my hands to clean out the gutters. I wanted to use a shovel or something, but he was like, "but your hands are better; you can just wash them off after". But first I had to sweep/rake off the roof. This was actually kind of fun. After a while my back really started to hurt from bending over though. I started with the rake. Avoiding the wires to a certain extent, I interrupted the compost piles of dead leaves, bligadesh and who knows what else. I'd rake from the back, going towards the end. Luckily it was on a slant, in my favor. It was fun. I had a good view of the neighborhood and took some pictures. Then I saw a bug. It was one of those several-legged creepy-crawlers that seem to move like a snake yet have those tiny legs that jiddle (new word). See, I'm not that wimpy. It's just...I dunno. I wasn't like screaming or anything, yelling, "OMIGOSH!!! IT'S A BUUUGGG!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!" Nah, I just kind of made this weird noise that started out as some gibberish then went to laugher (I was trying not to freak out too much). I'm just not that kind of person that doesn't mind having those bugs crawl all over your bodily-parts and have your own tv show about, well, bugs. So, yeah. I saw this rolley-polley thing (my favorite kind of bug I think- we would play with them in the sandbox at my preschool). So then after the rake, I started sweeping. We had this sort of "decapitated" broom; it had half of its shank (the part you hold) like sawed off. So I had to bend over and sweep off all the bligadesh and dirt. I had that one part in Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in my head; when the guy's like, "I am a poor boy nobody loves me" and the choir says "he's just a poor boy with a poor family". That went over and over in my head. I didn't really mind. So then I took more pictures. I saw Chester down there, sitting on the grass. He was so cute; it was like he was watching over me or something. I found this like gold necklace thing, which I threw down on the grass, along with a Badminton birdie. Then it was time for the gutters. There was more stuff in it now that I swept all the stuff off the roof. I just kind of decided that I would do it. I would be tough and ignore the fact that I was grabbing earwigs, dirt, poop, dead leaves and other bligadesh with my bear hands. I was not a sissy. I pretended I was grabbing baseball cards. Yeah! Baseball cards just magically fall into our gutter. But that didn't work so well. I was fine until I saw an earwig (or something of its kind). I made this weird noise that I hoped no one heard. It was almost like someone strangling a pony that had a carrot in it's mouth. It was like "eughsdgtjeuuugoopfhjasd" or something. I looked down and Chester was staring at me. I just gave him a reassuring smile to say, "Don't worry, dog, your owner isn't off her rocker. No, do not call the mental health society." I think he got it. So, I just dared myself to reach in their again with that earwig. My hand went down...ooog. Agh. THERE!!! Take that, you many-legged thing that is...a bug! I quickly threw the pile of bligadesh into the compost container. I didn't feel any legs. That was good. So, I continued on with this gross-ness. It was fun, though. The gutter wasn't even all that big. So then my dad took some pictures and I was pretty much done. Mhm. I carefully got down onto the ladder, muttering stuff like "oog, agh..." and made my way down to...the normal level. Then I washed my hands and got on the computer. Fun stuff. I'd do that any day.
I'll add the pictures later. There were some good ones.
very descriptive, good description. i smiled at the weird noises part, because that describes me too.
HI Amelia...your mom invited me to read your blog..I enjoyed her stories so much last time you were in Switzerland...dealing with curmudgeons on balconies, peering down and looking judgmental about whatever..
(this is the first time i ever went to a blog; your writing is zippy and fun...and i will return!)
Hope your time in France will be full of good memories and fewer bugs! Pam Hoffer
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