OK, so this is how my trip went.
(NOTE: The pictures from left to right starting at top: That's one of the little corgies. That one is the male, and very...licky and perhaps aggressive. our total cost for filling up our car. We only went to a gas station like twice, but still. - That's Chester in a very interesting position. Zach is petting him. - That's the swan that hissed at Chester. And, that is the poster I saw that seemed kinda funny.
Friday, we stayed home and did our normal "pizza/video night". It turns out that there was a tornado/storm on Friday, so if we left, we'd witness utter hell probably. We were watching Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom, but then the VCR had to spazz every few seconds and cover up a few seconds with a white line in the middle of the screen. So, then we got SICK and TIRED of that and my Dad went to get the movie version. They didn't have that one, so he got "There Will Be Blood", which, lemme tell you, DOES INDEED have blood. In fact, the last scene is when the main character guy (who's completely off his rocker) grabs a bowling pin and...euughgh....slams it down on another character (who I won't tell you who because it could spoil it) and then a pool of blood...comes...out... his head. So, yeah. And see, I didn't think it was all that great a movie. I mean, the Ann Arbor news gave it like 4 stars. I mean, dude, the guy wanted oil, he killed people, his son went deaf, he hated his son, he killed more people, and then they finally have the title at the END. Plus, it was like 3 fricking hours! Long! So, that ended at like 11:30. So, I went to sleep. And then like, my mom came in to wake me up at like 5 and, SUPPOSEDLY, I said there was a ghost. I don't remember, but that's what she said. So, I went back to sleep. And then later my dad came in to wake me up. Nope. I was trying to SLEEP, here! So, I avoided a few hours of car driving and went back to sleep. Finally, I got up, had breakfast and we got in the car. Drove some. Drove some more. Mostly I tried to sleep. Then, we stopped in this Indiana town called "Gary" that had all these black kids standing in the road..like...collecting money? Then, my mom had to lean out our window and tell them it wasn't same. I mean, can we get any more embarrassing here? Yeah. And then I saw a poster that said "Rip It: Energy Drink". I took a picture, and will put it on here sometime. I thought it was funny, 'cause you know like, "Rip"= fart and stuff? (Awkward silence) So, then we drove some more. Got in Illinois. Then, we went to my grandpa and grandma's house, or "retirement home". It's a pretty nice place, but there's a dress code and *cough* old people are *cough* a little...let's say...not as fast? Yeah, but so we saw them. Talked, hugged, whatever. Had lunch at this local place. I was SO hungry. The food took SO LONG to get here I was dying. I had cheesecake for dessert...it was pretty good. So, yeah then we did more stuff. Played Frisbee...then we saw the swans. They are not cute little, cute...nice..pretty things, ok? When Chester got even an inch to the fence, there was this violent hissing and then my dad imediately jumped away. There was this swan guarding eggs I guess.So, I took a video and some pics. Then, we eventually got to dinner. This place may claim it encourages a healthy lifestyle, but from what I saw, it was like...McDonalds meets...world war 2 vets or something. I mean, EVERY FRICKIN' MEAL there's a dessert. And these are not your little...bites of...calories...these are like slices of pies and other fattening items. That is not to say they're not good, heck no...they have one of the best chefs ever. I had cheesecake and muffin. So, then I got to watch the Red Wings game. I watched it all the way through (3 hours) and Zach (my bro) was complaining though. He was bored. I didn't mind, though 'cause we WON! So that means tonight we could WIN IT ALL!! Yay. So, then we went to my mom's childhood friend's house. She's divorced, no kids, but she's got two dogs and a horse. The dogs are corgies, and they Lick. They lick you like you're a plate that had the best chocolate cake on it. So, I was very wet. But then one of them, the female, took a liking to me and stayed in my bed a little before I slept. So, I petted them a lot. Then, in the morning, I played softball with my dad. Man, I HATE softball! I mean, the darn thing's so big you can't throw it more than a few feet and it makes your arm tired. Plus, it's like SO HARD to catch. So, then we had brunch at the place. Had a dessert. We left WAY late though. So after we said goodbye and took some pics, we were in the car. Again. This time, I listened to Miles Davis (BEST trumpeteer ever), slept and read. Also, we played one round of the story game where you go around putting your main character in danger and the next person has to do another one. On my turns, I would make the guy somehow get to a hockey game. So, that was boring. Then we finally got to Ann Arbor at like 8:30. I had dinner and went to bed. I was considering doing my blog then, but it would be too late. So, yeah. I'll put on the pictures later.
Oh yeah, and then I had my french tutor today (monday). She's....eccentric. I mean, she knows french, it's just that she has wrinkles, and always asks for water. She has the kind of hair that looks like it's orange kinda but then it's really blonde, fluffy curly hair. She has a weird laugh that sounds like...she needs a cough drop and has too much sugar. (In other words, a weird laugh). yeah. We just do like phrases and stuff. I'm confused a lot of the time, but then she explains. I'm so bad. My voice is so monotonous and I don't know nothing. She says I do great but I feel stupid. So, it kinda stinks. Yeah.
woah.Nice movie! lol. and swans gaurding eggs is amusing!!!!!!!!!!
is she good at teaching french? or is it just the friendly cackling water gulping old lady invader? for lack of a better term, but maybe that was a little harsh (what i said, not you)
She's an Ohhkayyy teacher but can just be a little weird.
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