Sunday, October 11, 2009


Where's Summer B? by Ben Folds Five

Sea Legs by The Shins

High school is... you know, I think I can live with it. I've survived a whole interim, and already I can sort of see where it's going. And yet I keep saying "it wasn't as I expected it would be!" But maybe I can deal with it because of the soul reason that I sort of have to, that it's just my life, it's other peoples' lives, etc. And back to the college thing, I guess as a freshmen you should just do what you do and....wait. My dad's cousin's son, who is in college now, told me to "just remember that it ends" -high school being "it". There are just so many stereotypes and materialism and having/lacking "substance" and knowing things about people and actually knowing them. And experiencing that amoeba of hormones at Homecoming...

High school dances are overrated.

Ticket: $20
+losing my edge
+nice new pair of boots
+experiencing Pioneer dance culture
=somewhat anticlimatic

Well I have a bunch of homework. It's not that I've necessarily procrastinated (honest!), but my geometry homework (oh yes that's right, I switched to geometry. And am now left with the responsibility of doing like 5 hours of algebra on my own a week) is to be accessed online, but I...that is complicated. And then I need to write this short story. We have a week, well we did on Wednesday, and well you see the thing is I just often can't write effectively on weekdays. But then again, weekends are just asking you to procrastinate. But hey, I'll get it done.

Oh yeah, and then you know that photo exhibit I was gonna do? Well I should work on it more. But unfortunately, I thought I put all of my pictures on these discs, but upon putting one of them back in and viewing the pictures, only about...half the folders of pictures were there. And these were important ones. These were...that was a lot. I am very annoyed. I removed nearly all of my pictures from facebook, but technically anything you put on facebook stays there forever. So that gave me a good idea; perhaps I could coax those precious pixels from their creepy, over-manufactured hands.

I really really need to practice trumpet. I am really liking marching though. Our show is only like 2 weeks away, and we've only learned two formations. We've been having to do a bunch of fundraising lately, and just had the car wash yesterday. It was rather fun, actually. But I'm getting sort of tired of asking people for money. We are going on tour this year though, and need moneyyyy.

And I need a H-ween costume. Dang I am so busy. But I'm liking the difference it makes.

Current Operation: DFTBA

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