Friday, May 29, 2009

Abercrombie and FILCH

Rectangle-shaped Ricola packages of many colors were strewn across the table, already topped with crumpled up, stale tissues. At least it was really almost the end of May, and I had a 4-day weekend. I decided to stay home on Friday because of a cold, and then we have Monday off. But as it turned out, the next 3 days were incredibly boring, redundant and lonely. I did, however, get rather obsessed with Wizard Rock, and just Harry Potter in general. I finally subscribed to PotterCast, and according to a facebook quiz, I am a Gryffindor. Ha ha- I love how the computer spelling system thinks that's a word. There's tons of wrock out there, and it's actually all rather great.

Until I stumbled upon this.

Well, I still like wrock of course, but that just... slightly infuriated me. But then again, it really shouldn't be that surprising. I won't go into any more of it probably, because that would take hours and is rather pointless, but just yeah.

I'd really want to go to LeakyCon. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a Harry Potter conference. Harry Potter-enthusiasts + nerdfighters + wizard rock + real live Youtubers and such. Plus like a dance and all that. The next one is in 2011 in Florida I think.

I really like The Remus Lupins, the Butterbeer Experience, the Parselmouths and the Mudbloods. There are lots more awesome, of course. The best wrock song is probably something like "Save Ginny Weasley" by Harry and the Potters, the first wrock band. I mean, some of them are actually rather talented musicians. Although I do admit that maybe limiting yourself to just writing about books is sort of.... limiting. But then again.

When I come back, I just have this dream of like having a whole bunch of wrock and nerdfighter albums. I have a looonnnnngggg CD wishlist, which I guess some would say is rather unrealistic. At least I'm not obsessed with something like....buckets.

So anyway. It would appear that this Year in France thing is really actually going to end. On Monday, there will be exactly one month left. And there's like 49 days left till the 7th Harry Potter movie. Or something.

For some reason, sometimes I just think I should forget other stuff and just focus on a few things, a few hobbies, and just sort of soak up all of that thing, just fall into a huge vat of it, and never really have to think about anything else. Just listen to wrock all the time, read Harry Potter, and other books of course, and just... yeah. Contacting our inner geek.

This is actually Sunday. 31!

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