Friday, November 7, 2008

You're Big Mac, and I think you should be proud of that

Since it gets darker earlier now because of Daylight Savings Time, walking/running to Fat Friday proved to be a little less welcoming. I brought Zach's cellphone (after asking him of course) because my mom wanted me to call them when I was coming home. When I got there, after salivating to sooth my harsh throat that hurt after lack of oxygen, I ticked off (ha, still love that phrase) my name on the list, gave them a 20 (this is Euros now, mind you) because I hadn't really paid for the earlier FATs. Then they gave me this small laminated card with the rest of the year's FATs. Next one is Professional Sumo Wrestling (so. much. fun.) then there's like... hippie and Santa FATs after that. There are like five more; I guess the others don't have a theme. 
Hanging around inside, I passed by Jess and these other girls she was with. We said hi and she went on her jolly way, leaving me to watch a Foosball game. I was going to just play by myself, but these other guys got it. That got boring fast so I went outside. Amy (a counselor person) and this other dude were shooting baskets. It appeared that I was the only one on those premises, so Amy asked if I wanted to come over. So I did.

The dude's name was Sam. I recognized him; he would call/cheer out at sometimes random times when Larry or Dustin would explain stuff. Not in a rude way, just filling the silence. He was taller than me, had medium- brown hair that was around his ears and curly. He also had glasses. Amy told me he was the drummer for the band Hallway Tussle, who were selling CDs last time. We shot some hoops, then Amy went over to these other people. Which meant awkward silence(s). But after a few shots, I asked Sam how long he'd been playing drums. 
"Uh... this is probably my second year," he said, then took a shot which had too much power and bounced off the backboard. I muttered a feeble "cool" and accepted his pass. "Yeah. Do you play an instrument?" I could barely see his face from the lack of light, but could see he had his eye patch over his right eye. I had mine around my neck. 
"Yeah. Guitar," I don't know why I didn't mention trumpet. Whatever. 
"Oh cool. How long have you been playing?" I could barely see the ball in the deep blueness, so it smashed lightly against my hand. He apologized and I said it was ok really quietly and answered, "Um, this is I guess my... second year," He said cool and we continued shooting. I was about to ask what music he liked, but Amy came back. 
Eventually she left, then James (this English guy in my FLE class who's also pretty tall, short black hair and pale face) came over, after being greeted in Spanish by Sam. Sam seemed pretty cool. I probably wouldn't get to know him that much; he seemed to be in that "cool yet nice" group. Whatever. James and Sam talked, while I raised my eyebrows and said things like "woah", "nice" and "ha" when they scored, very quietly. And I also grunted and said stuff like "erg", "uegh" and "pshaw" when I missed. Then Sam asked about my eye patch, and he asked what my name was. I told him Amelia. "No, the one on your eye patch," Oh. Geez I'm slow. I told him it was Screaming Ike. At first I had like... Eating Monster or something but some girls asked me to change. The names were like "Joe the Plummer", "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Harold" and "Happy Bob." Larry called us in and I walked with Jess and some other girls and Sam and James inside to the Sanctuary. As I walked in, I heard Dustin (who was wearing a long black wig) talking, leaning down to some kid sitting down with the rest, and he said something like, "You're Big Mac and I think you should be proud of that!" I guess someone must be named Big Mac. There was even some named Barack Obama. 

Dinner was chicken soup or beef stew, or vegetable soup, or some other variation of chicken/beef stew. I chose chicken. It didn't appear that other people liked it much, but I thought it was fine. Then I caught up with Larry (he's quite social) and Clare (who I met last time)

Larry: So hows school going? Are you managing?
Me: uh... yeah I guess... its sort of ok.
Larry: When you wake up in the morning, are you more thinking "I'm excited" or "yay another day" or "ugh another day"?
Me: Probably the last one. 
Larry: Yeah. And are the school days really long for you?
Me: Yup.
Larry: Yeah, I remember when my boys came they were really surprised by how long the day was. Start early, end late. And because they didn't know any French it was like- (he made a face). Oh, I'm sorry- I don't mean to make you depressed with this.
Me: Oh no its ok.

I then left the dining area and we played some games.

I won't give you several page worth of writing about the games, because it wasn't worth it. They were very simple. One was to race to 3, then 4 different areas of the room, and the last one there lost. You also had to jump on peoples' back, which I did not want to do, nor could I. So I got out. Didn't care. 

We also had to walk across these low wood tables while people threw little plastic balls (made in China of course) at you. It was nearly impossible. I didn't even try. And then the last game was where we were assigned a number (I was 15) and they called numbers out and the number on each side raced to the middle to get this ball and try to get the other guy out. I got this guy out, but it was a head shot. Ah well.

On the way home, I sang of course, and saw a fox on the side of the sidewalk. At this, I stopped to stare at it, muttering, "Yo, that doesn't look that healthy..." The fox was fine I'm sure, but just the fact that there was a fox in a city seemed unright to me.

When I got home, I told my dad about it and he said it was ok; he had seen foxes around here too. Well ok. 

Michigan plays Minnesota tomorrow... might watch it, just for the marching band. Ha. I'm disappointed.

And then I also have to make another facebook account because my first one got disabled for a STUPID reason. They gave me these warnings when I sent out this one friend request to an old hockey teammate that said "If you send out friend requests to people you don't know your account will be disabled." I sent out the request anyway because I knew her, and I thought she knew me, and we had 8 mutual friends for gosh sakes! Ugh. And I mean, that warning was stupid; they should say something like, "If you send out this request you will be in big dog doo-doo". I mean, I guess I must have sent one to her before and she ignored it. She could send me a message. Or like, ughhh... whatever. Stupid facebook.

Whatever. I'm into guitar again! I have a song sort of... and of course I love trumpet. Tuesday's off next week. And apparently there's this one thing on the computer that tells you like the stuff you have to learn and like all this crap and like taking a test next year for a college; but Adja (nice African- American in my class) told me I was lucky 'cause I was only staying a year. Yeah, I agree.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Fat Friday

Technology turns against us when we need it most. That's my no. 1 reason for NOT trying to have humans and rebots coexist. your thoughts?

i'd like to learn guitar. first i have to get a guitar though. hmm....oh yeah! money. when i have some, i'll get a guitar...maybe.