Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hey Hey!!

So so you guys!!! I am as of this moment blogging in our Youth Hostel in London!!! We get an hour of free Internet. The place is pretty cool. My inbox had 20 friggin' messages after only like... 4 days of "absence". But most of that is actually just stupid notices from facebook, only about 5 are real emails. But yeah. So far, London is pretty cool. I won't go into details, but expect an EPIC (as in, long, etc) blogpost when I get back... hopefully. It's cold. YOU GUYS- I got three books in this one bookshop in Canterbury!!! I read Maximum Ride: the Final Warning and The Lake House. I read the Final Warning and... well I'll tell you later. I AM READING Breaking Dawn. And so far it's actually like really good. I'm at about page 200. Stephanie Meyer is really good. So, um yeah.

The place is loud. Ugh I sort of have to go. They have the news on and I saw a speech by Obama. He POWNED!!!!! Dude its soon!!! And I'll be on a different continent. Yeah yeah yeah. Ok, so I have to catch up with Becca's two new posts. And eat breakfast. It's 10:18. But yeah.... so, onto them Ramblin's. If I have time.

Oh and also I changed the language to French so like the buttons (such as "Publish Post", "New Post", etc) are in French. So, I figure that'll broaden my... vocab I s'pose. Um so yeah. It's "smashing"!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh I'm hoping so hard Obama wins. I will cry if McCain wins. Maybe. Probably not. But my dad does have a colleague who will actually move to Canada if McCain becomes president. So yeah.

We'll talk about the Final Warning via Gmail. Great invention, that Gmail.

I liked Breaking Dawn. I mean, the Twilight series is not my favorite with Max Ride and Harry Potter right there, but the plot was very unexpected. At the same time, I can see why some thought it sucked.

It's kind of smashing here. As smashing as life without Amelia can get, I mean. Hope you're having a great time.