Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Apparently It Happened

Hello world. How are you today?

I've been back for more than two weeks now, and, as you could tell, rather putting off that one blog post for a while. Oh, sure- I had spent pretty much the whole year planning it, pondering it, trying to come up with some sort of non-sucky one that would just sort of sum up everything... except maybe that wasn't even my intention.

Um, yeah I'm done. It's done. It's like... way in the past now. Way. I figure my brain had been thinking about that July 1st for a while (uh... like... a whole year almost) and just so ready to forget France and etc. and just... so then it happens and just like poof! all of it's gone. Sort of like a sprinter awaiting that gun shot and ready to boot out there lickity split. They've trained for the race, trained, trained, trained some more, and then everything's set on their motivation, them going straight out there, and then bang! You get it.

The plane rides weren't bad at all, and in fact it seemed like we were almost early on the last one. It was the moment you had always been waiting for, but then it happened sort of... casual-y. Or maybe I guess I just wanted to get the heck out of there so I didn't take time to make things slow.

Let's just say things are different since I've been back. Been going downtown way more and chilling with people and biking and all that.

And today, I got to eat lunch with someone I met on the internet. (Haha, I just really wanted to say that... it did happen though, and it was awesome.)

The first thing I ate when I got into the U.S. (at the Newark airport) was indeed a cheeseburger. There was this 1950's-like diner there and we had some time to not rush to the next gate. The people are bigger, and man the cars. Everyone speaks English too, and I still have to get used to that...

Not much culture shock at all though. Which I find strange.

And then tomorrow I am off to Portland for a wedding for a whole week. Then band camp later in August and just... yeah. It's like the internet sort of came to life though for me- seeing all my friends again and meeting a lot more. Converted my religion (Unitarian Universalist)- not anything like official, but that church is awesome.

I've got to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince like tomorrow. A lot of my friends have seen it already, but whatevz. I saw posters for it in Paris, which was cool. Should be awesome. But I need to read up on the series again 'cause I really only got to be a HP nerd last year. Yeah, a bunch of stuff happened last year didn't it. (Oh. I guess I never wrote up the Paris trip did I.)

Man, Michigan Stadium's gotten big.

Art Fair!!!



In case there are still those loyal types of you actually reading this, I guess I could put some pictures here and... just... I could choose another theme. Like, Michigan... Footballness. I could explore American/ Ann Arbor culture. Or! I was gonna go on a bike trek with my daddy kins sometime just for like 2-3 days and it could be like a bike-dude blog. Suggestions? (Psh, yeah- I'm really just kidding myself into thinking people would actually continue reading this or even comment. I know.)

Whoa. I really did survive. Haha, I was about to put a countdown number.... uh.. -15?