Friday, May 30, 2008


Yeah so, we have a dog named Chester. Very s cute. Small, curly tail, velvetty ears, tender head, etc. Yeah and we can't take him to France. And he might DIE while we're gone! That would SUCK so bad I would...uh, well, be sad as heck. And mad as heck. So, that does really suck. So, the Fultons might take care of him a little bit, and then we'll ask our neighbor. Ugh. A year without HIM. HA!! I sound so much like Tina! HAHA! That really is quite funny. Not like you're reading this, Tina. :( So, yeah.


Hey yeah guess what. My mom just said we're only leaving early in the morning tomorrow! So, I get to stall hell a few more hours! Yip-ee!

(awkward silence)

So, not that anyone cares AT ALL about me, I just thought I'd say that. So, yesh...

Yeah, so 2day...

Yeah, I have to Sigh. We have to drive 6 frickin' hours in the CAR to ill-ee-no-wah to see me Gramps and Gram. Yeah. But we get to bring Chester! But then we spend like 1 day with them and DRIVE MORE!!! I mean, I had frickin' PLANS for the weekend! See friends! Do nothing! Bike! Talk! Eat! Sleep! Yeah, but I guess it is important to see my grandparents one last time before we LEAVE for a year. Sigh. Whatevs. I hate car trips. I'll try to update this blog (that no one reads) when I getsa-backa. Yeah. Coolness.

Dude, we had this science test today. I think I failed. I had to draw a picture of a bee during pollination. The bee looked like And the flower was like....not...a.. flower? Yeah. So.......yeah. I think I'm a go play hockey now. Or, something.

Yeah, so Today...

Tina told me to write everyday. So, I am starting to. Not like anyone CARES about my boring say. I'll keep it short, though, I've had TONS of thoughts floating in my head, and I needed to write them down, so finally I am. AHEM. So, I played street hockey. Again. I've been playing it everyday for the last week. It's so dang fun. I'm quite good, actually. You should see me play. We should have a big game!! Totally. So, yeah I played with the neighborhood kids like I always do. There's this one kid, named Toby. I mean, the name itself implies that he's small. Toby is such a...such a little kid name. I mean, TOBY. His main vocabulary when playing hockey is "PASS!! PASS, AMELIA!! PASS!! PASS!!" You get the point. (And I do pass it to him) He has a good slap shot, and he just might grow up to be a famous player. He's not all that accurate though. None of them are really. They all just kinda slap it dully and it misses the goal by a few feet even when they're standing in front of it. Hey, but they're like 5. And 6. Yeah, and then there's this one other kid named Henry. He's ok. His dad is the main hockey guy that knows all the stuff and is good in goal. Yeah, Henry's cool. And then there's Zane. He's Toby's bro. Zane is cool, too. He's optimistic, has an okay shot but is a little weak around the stick-handling. In goal, he kinda looked like Ray Emery (bad goalie for Ottawa) but whatever. Yeah, so I was playing a game. A few cars-A LOT of cars passed. This one car from like Pennsylvania yelled "GAME ON!" as if they thought they...were....I dunno, helping? Yeah, it was just me and Henry then so we weren't really playing a game. But anyway, see I had this sudden wanting to bike to Montreal. And then I'd write a book about it. Sure, it's 500 miles, but think of the pluses: It could be an AWESOME book, and maybe the news would feature me. It'd be fun, too probably. I'd bring all my hockey stuff, and bike there. That'd be SO SWEET! And then I'd play hockey there and see a HABS game (Montreal Canadiens=my second favorite team, they're know as the "Habs".) Yeah, so I guess that's it. Uh....I'll hit publish now.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I am a huge, HUGE hockey fan. I play tons of street hockey and am getting very good at it. My favorite team is the Detroit Red Wings, but I have many others. I also like: Montreal Canadiens, Pittsburgh Penguins, Vancouver Canucks, Boston Bruins, New York Islanders, Buffalo Sabres, New Jersey Devils, and Toronto Maple Leafs. To a lesser extent, I root for Philadelphia Flyers, St. Louis Blues, Atlanta Thrashers and Minnesota Wild. My favorite player is Shawn Burr; he was a defensive forward for Detroit (around the '80's) and San Jose.

For the Stanley Sup Finals this year, I'm going to have to go with Detroit. Pittsburgh has what it takes to win, but just not this year. Crosby will get a Cup, probably next season but I think Chris Osgood will be strong enough to maneuver through the star-laden Penguins to help Lidtrom hoist his first Cup as a captain. GO WINGS!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


NO, I did NOT copy this from Tina, I already had this idea! But anyway, yeah I'm going to have to leave to France. WHY? Because, ok, so my dad is this scientist and there's a "particle accelerator" in Geneva, Switzerland/ France, so he has to do work over there. He used to go for shorter amounts of time before, but now WE have to be dragged along and stuff. So, yeah. It does really suck, but on the other hand, THERE'S THE MOTHER LOAD OF BAGUETTES OVER THERE!! I mean, when I went there before in 4th grade (summer) we had bread (VERY Good bread) every frickin' day. And there was nutella (choc/hazelnut) and stuff....and...stuff? Yeah and plus I get to make a blog! Which will HOPEFULLY be read at least ONCE! I'll try not to bore you, but honestly, how can France be boring? (Don't answer that question)

Besides the baguettes, going to France WILL really suck. I mean, I'll be missing 8th grade, so I won't know ANYTHING about Pioneer and I'll be behind. Plus, all of my friends will probably LEAVE me in High School because I won't be cool enough and I'll miss band. I SO, SO SO wanted to do 8th grade band and jazz band. I mean, what, I did 3 years of band for nothing?? Sure, I could do it in High school, but I won't know as much and I probably won't make the tryouts. But anyway, on to lighter things...THERE'S A HOCKEY CLUB OVER THERE!!
If you liked hockey as much as I do, you'd be as happy as a pig with dirt after hearing that. I mean, I get to play with SWEDES!! Those are supposed to be the best! And plus I'll be like the only teenager and supposedly that's better and there's no checking. AND I get to bring back a jersey!! How awesome is that? The jerseys are awesome!! Alright, I must go...the neighborhood kids want me to play street hockey, so yeah.